Configuration Management

We develop and implement Configuration Management Plan to control various artefacts, software components produced by the project team members working on a common project and maintain the integrity of the product as it progresses through the change management process. We manage multiple variants of evolving software systems, incremental builds of the system, tracking which versions are used in given software builds, performing builds of individual programs or entire releases according to user-defined version specifications, and enforcing site-specific development policies. We establish baselines of tested components from various development teams, combined together to work together as a product to reflect the level of software maturity, stability and quality they may have achieved.

Our Configuration Management specialists are generalizing specialists, meaning in addition to being experts in Configuration Management, they have solid skills in other disciplines such as Deployment, Testing, Development/Coding etc.
This allows the team management to efficiently shuffle our resources across multiple disciplines depending on the needs of the particular phase and iteration of the project life cycle at any given point.